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REFERENCES – Rock Bolting

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Aydan, O. (1989). The stabilisation of rock engineering structures by rock bolts. Geotechnical Engineering. Nagoya, Nagoya University. Doctor of Philosophy. Aziz, N. I. (2004). Bolt surface profiles-an important parameter in load transfer capacity appraisal. Int. Symp. on Ground support, Perth, Western Australia, pp 221-231. Aziz, N. I., Jalalifar, H. and […]

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Ayruni, A. T. (1981). Theory and practice of mine gas control at deep mines, Nedra press, (Translated into English by Rockville, Maryland, USA), 355 p. Aluko, N. (2001). Coalbed methane extraction and utilisation, Technology status report 016 August 2001, Department of Trade and Industry, UK. pp http://www.dti.gov.uk/energy/coal/cfft/cct/pub/tsr016.pdf Ates, Y. and […]

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